Saturday, February 23, 2008 tags: politics

In a post on TechPresident, Isaac Garcia has a great analysis about how Senator Obama's campaign is an illustration of how the Long Tail theory is coming to life in politics. Essentially, just as technology has provided the opportunity for marketers to reach the most narrow niches of consumers, it has also enabled candidates to tailor their messages and engage those who may have felt left out of the process in the past - as donors, as ambassadors and as voters.

The Kaiser Family Foundation's has pulled together an "issue spotlight" on global health and HIV/AIDS, providing an analysis of Clinton, Huckabee, McCain and Obama's positions on what they will do as President to wipe out poverty-related disease in the developing world. You may have made your decision or cast your vote already, but if this issue matters to you as much as it does to me, we still need to be prepared to hold the new administration accountable to their promises when the dust finally settles.

Update: Matthew Kavanaugh is asking a valid question at The Huffington Post about the current crop of candidates' commitment to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. In the midst of reauthorization of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), where are their voices?

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