Wednesday, January 10, 2007

book meme

Kristen tagged me with this meme:

1) Find the nearest book,
2) Open to page 123,
3) Type lines 6-8,
4) Tag three others.

Not one of the more thrilling memes, but here I go:

Harry standing there in a towelling bath robe, bare feet, just had a long hot soak, bath salts, the works, now feeling a whole lot better, remembering Ross, face like a wet week, waiting in the . . .

The lines are from "Harry's Down" by John B. Spencer, one of the short stories in Fresh Blood, a collection from "the cream of Britain's new wave of crime writers".

Not particularly indicative of anything else I have on my book shelves. And I have no recollection of the relationship between Harry and Ross. And the writing style seems a little 40's noir cliche. Oh well.

If I tag Jesse, John and Chris, do you think they'll do it?

(Perhaps I should have sold it better . . .)

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