Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I am looking forward to the four day weekend. Once again, things have been busy. Lots of new business proposals going out the door, lots of writing, lots of balls in the air. I'm going to try very hard not to do a damn thing over the weekend that would qualify as work.

I'm so busy, of course, that I haven't read the paper (much -- although, G-d bless ya, Warren Buffett) and I haven't been keeping up on my own blog reading, which makes it difficult to have much to share.

Nevertheless, people keep coming by to check in and I appreciate that. Here's some of the of the more interesting things that get people to drop by. People in Denmark have an odd level of interest in the rumor about the relationship between John Stamos and Sheryl Crow (only a rumor), because I have had quite a few people from that country land here after doing a search on that topic. I'm still getting people to stop by to read what I had to say about Linda Hirshman. Anastasia, was kind enough to write about this blog on YPulse, so people have been stopping by via that link (welcome). My profile has apparently become a more interesting read. I'm a little worried about what the person who did a search for "amputee photo woman" expected to find when they dropped in, but I hope they weren't too disappointed. I also think that search engines are failing people if they end up here after doing a search for "Caesar porn", unless that person was sincerely looking for the Stephen Colbert quote. Let's hope so. People search for "John Edwards" and come here (and here and here and here and here) but don't seem to stick around for long. Despite the fact that I managed to drive a few people to John's blog (Bell, not Edwards) he didn't win in the MarketingSherpa poll -- but Anastasia/YPulse got an honorary mention!

Have you ever tuned in to watch your favorite show and then found yourself subjected to a clips show? Quite a downer, eh? Hope this didn't feel TOO MUCH like that.

(It did, didn't it?)

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