Sunday, September 16, 2007

the buzz on '08

Wonkosphere is tracking online conversation about the candidates leading up to the presidential election. According to the latest stats, Hillary's ears must be on fire because people are talking about her in numbers that far exceed any of the other candidates -- on either side of the aisle.

The site says it assesses the tone of the conversation among the left and the right, but uses terms like "high," "low," and "average" which suggest they are actually assessing volume and not tone.

I like the "Hot Links" section in the right hand column, which includes links from the past 24 hours to which multiple bloggers have linked -- and includes the actual number of links in. Currently, the majority of the content is from mainstream news outlets (CNN, Washington Post, Time) which suggests that bloggers are in a reactive mode right about now, versus leading the conversation.

The data, according to the site, is updated every four hours.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention! Have a great Sunday... WonkoKevin

abf said...

You too, Kevin. Thanks for coming by.