Thursday, December 28, 2006 John Edwards

There's lots to do at the new John Edwards for President site. But like the One America site, is there too much? While the new site is definitely less chaotic, it's still overwhelming — particularly for the newbie.

The campaign is encouraging bloggers to submit their blogs to be included on the site's blog roll. They already have quite a few up there, including the who's who of progressive political blogs. But how will they balance the desire to be inclusive with the risk that the blog roll becomes huge and useless?

Here's my recommendation. Instead of asking people to add their blogs (and having lots of irrelevant content on their site), why don't they develop an aggregator that pulls in content
that has been tagged with a recommended tag (for example, "john edwards"). The content could be multimedia, drawn from FlickR, YouTube, Technorati and In addition to increasing the likelihood that the content will be relevant, it will be -- with one glance -- a testament to the volume of conversation about the campaign.

Something to consider . . . It's going well for Green My Apple.

A couple more John Edwards tags for you:

  • Micah Sifry thinks it was pretty smart of Edwards to head over to Daily Kos today to mix it up with the "treasure trove of engaged activists who are literally lining up like kids in an ice cream parlor to declare their support for Edwards' bid". But when, asks Sifry, will Edwards' team stop using the web "to troll for support rather give up real power and control to the people"?
  • If you're looking for hot photos of the newest presidential candidate for your blog posts, head over to One America's Flickr account.

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