Wednesday, October 11, 2006


There were quite a few people who thought it was less than kosher to have Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell serve as the co-chair of President Bush's re-election committee while simultaneously being responsible for counting the votes in the state in 2004, a la Florida's Katherine Harris in 2000. In the end, when Ohio went to Bush after suggestions of mass voter disenfranchisement, Blackwell was the target of at least sixteen lawsuits.

I'll try to hide my glee in sharing with you that the Post is reporting that Blackwell is currently trailing by two-digits in his pursuit of the Governor's seat. Blackwell, a conservative who opposes abortion even in cases when a women's life is at risk, just can't get any traction from "values voters," because they're focused elsewhere, including their pocketbooks and the war in Iraq.

Unlike Harris, who was elected to a seat in Congress, Blackwell may not be getting the "reward" he may have expected, but perhaps the one that he deserves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your blog by accident and find it entertaining and I'm reading the whole archive systematically to get a better view of you and your opinions....I think it's smashing !!!! My sister lives in America and I've only been there once to visit - but loved it. I watch Anderson as my morning treat every day and love being up to date on what happening America wise...My daughter is wanting to go study there too.
My view posted here is of course all out of date but at least we can now see that the wheel has finally turned and Obama is in and Bush is back in Texas......I still find it very strange though to see that American elections can be as jungly as any here in deep dark Africa where voter fraud is more often than not expected and the norm...!!