Sunday, February 22, 2009


I'm not giving up. I've maintained this blog for more than four years and I can't walk away from it, despite appearances to the contrary.

I'm working with a friend, however, to create a new site, something that will serve more as a calling card for myself — both professionally and personally. I am hoping that the new site will compel me to get back into the groove.

The aim is to transfer the content from this site to the new site, but feature it in a different way.

I'll keep you posted on the progress and, in the meantime, I'll try to post here more often.


  1. This is the best part of today for me.

    First you lay your hand on me with the wonderful post that's getting so much attention - and I hope that attention does not diminish the content, as a species we tend to spoil the best things: that was sincere and wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, I didn't want to say anything there. I read it twice. I wished I had that experience the first time through. The second time I realized that this was a beautiful thing because it had to be you for it to happen. You had to push for it in the beginning and you had to be the one to understand it in the end.

    Thank you.

    But the best part was after. I wanted to know more about you. So I read. And I liked. And I discovered that you had to restate intention in February. You must have been frustrated and I feel like that all the time. And Misunderstood (still). And I'm not quitting a few things I've been wondering if I should and it's because of you.

    So there.

  2. Just found your blog today! DO NOT GIVE IT UP. Even if you create another site that is "more your calling card" this site has so much content already indexed by Google, you don't want to throw that away!

    Let me know if you need a little free advice - but it would be a shame to let this go and create something new and different.

    Derrick Sorles
    (Google me!)

  3. Who knew you were going to write a blog post that would garner 850 comments (& climbing)?

    I liked John Hughes movies, too.
