Tuesday, May 08, 2007

del.icio.us tags 05.08.07

Be All That You Can Be. Just Don't Be a Blogger. Last month the U.S. Army issued restrictions against military bloggers which may result in shutting down some of the amazing content that's being generated on the front lines of the war in Iraq (via Boing Boing).

Building a Community for Your Brand. Kristen Nicole at Mashable has tips for building a brand through social networks: 1) maintain a profile on every major social network out there, 2) connect with other users, 3) keep people coming back to your profile, and 4) remember that even small niche networks can build your brand in larger communities.

Loyalty Has Authority. Yeah, whatever, Technorati determines authority by quantifying the number of links in. But what about those blogs that manage to keep readers coming back for more on a regular basis? Self Made Minds has a list of blogs with the greatest number of RSS subscriptions. Sure, there's some overlap with the Technorati Top 100, but not all of them . . .

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