Sunday, February 18, 2007 tags 02.18.07

I like the interviews (do you?), but I still feel like I have been cheating and not writing much of my own stuff this week.

Time to catch up on

Digital Influence

eMarketer released research this past week on global Internet penetration. China is gaining fast on the U.S. in terms of numbers, but still well behind in terms of percentages. I'd be interested in seeing a comparable chart on mobile penetration (does anyone want to point me in the direction?) considering the fact that North America, Europe and Asia dominate and Africa is nowhere to be seen (falling into the "rest of the world" category).

We Media and Zogby teamed up to release a poll this past week on the rise of citizen journalism. According to the poll, the majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the current state of mainstream media and believe that the Internet is having a positive impact on journalism overall. The greatest level of dissatisfaction is among older Americans and conservatives.

Digital Advocacy

Global Cool is trying to make taking a stand against global warming cool -- as if Al Gore isn't doing just fine on his own. I like the Be Cool page because I'm a fan of making it simple for people to do the right thing. But the site might benefit from a little less cool (aka vapid celebrity interviews) and little more confidence in our ability to grasp that, if we don't get our act together, the sh*t is going to hit the fan.

The Kids

I was putting together research recently on the online habits among communities of color and was appalled by the lack of material out there on Asian Americans. (If you know of any good stuff, please share.) Anastasia at YPulse covers some new focus group research from SnapDragon which, while not quantitative and not focused on Internet use, still helps to begin to fill the void. My only question is, who doesn't like Lite FM?

Via threebillion, The Korea Herald says that 1/3 of young people in Korea self-identify as Internet addicts. "Withdrawal symptoms" include blowing off school to spend time online and fighting with parents. Drama.

2008 Election

Via my friends over at EchoDitto, Personal Democracy Forum has launched techPresident to cover how the presidential candidates are using the Internet to make their way to the White House. The easy to read charts about who's doing what and where are great -- particularly because they make it clear that Dems are making better use of social media. By the way, I want to go to the PDF conference in May . . .

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